Read the log file from the CSS Electronics CL2000 logger and return a list of can.Message This block reads a log file from the CSS Electronics CL2000 logger and returns a list of can.Message. The file is expected to follow the CL2000 documentation: Params: file_path : File The file to read Returns: out : Stateful List with all message with the can.Message format
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, File, Stateful, DataContainer
from typing import Optional
import can
file_path: File,
default: Optional[DataContainer] = None,
) -> Stateful:
"""Read the log file from the CSS Electronics CL2000 logger and return a list of can.Message
This block reads a log file from the CSS Electronics CL2000 logger and returns a list of can.Message. The file is expected to follow the CL2000 documentation:
file_path : File
The file to read
List with all message with the can.Message format
# Utils
# -----
def process_timestamp(timestamp, configs, zero=None) -> float:
format = int(
configs["Time format"]
) # Format 0 to 6, kkk, sskkk, ... YYYYMMDDhhmmsskkk
# YYYYMMDDhhmmss X kkk
msSeparator = (
configs["Time separator ms"] if configs["Time separator ms"] != "" else None
# YYYYMMDDhh X mm X sskkk
timeSeparator = (
configs["Time separator"] if configs["Time separator"] != "" else None
# YYYY X MM X DDhhmmsskkk
dateSeparator = (
configs["Date separator"] if configs["Date separator"] != "" else None
# YYYYMMDD X hhmmsskkk
dateTimeSeparator = (
configs["Time and date separator"]
if configs["Time and date separator"] != ""
else None
year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ms = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
if format == 6:
if dateSeparator is not None:
year = int(timestamp.split(dateSeparator)[0])
year = int(timestamp[:4])
timestamp = timestamp[4:]
if format >= 5:
if dateSeparator is not None:
year = int(timestamp.split(dateSeparator)[1])
timestamp = timestamp.split(dateSeparator)[2]
month = int(timestamp[:2])
timestamp = timestamp[2:]
if format >= 4:
if dateTimeSeparator is not None:
day = int(timestamp.split(dateTimeSeparator)[0])
timestamp = timestamp.split(dateTimeSeparator)[1]
day = int(timestamp[:2])
timestamp = timestamp[2:]
if format >= 3:
if timeSeparator is not None:
hour = int(timestamp.split(timeSeparator)[0])
hour = int(timestamp[:2])
timestamp = timestamp[2:]
if format >= 2:
if timeSeparator is not None:
min = int(timestamp.split(timeSeparator)[1])
timestamp = timestamp.split(timeSeparator)[2]
min = int(timestamp[:2])
timestamp = timestamp[2:]
if format >= 1:
if msSeparator is not None:
sec = int(timestamp.split(msSeparator)[0])
ms = int(timestamp.split(msSeparator)[1])
sec = int(timestamp[:2])
timestamp = timestamp[2:]
ms = int(timestamp)
if format == 0:
ms = int(timestamp)
ref = 0 if zero is None else zero
elapsed = (
ms / 1000
+ sec
+ min * 60
+ hour * 3600
+ day * 86400
+ month * 2628000
+ year * 31536000
- ref
for_stability = round(elapsed, 3)
return for_stability
# Get the File
# ------------
with open(file_path.unwrap(), "r") as file:
# Parse the header for the config
# --------------------------------
configs = {}
line = file.readline()
assert line, "The file is empty"
while line.startswith("#"):
line = line[2:]
config, value = line.split(":")
configs[config] = value.strip().replace('"', "")
line = file.readline()
assert line, "No message found in the file"
# Read header to find data field position
# ---------------------------------------
header: list = line.replace("\n", "").split(configs["Value separator"])
ts_idx = header.index("Timestamp") if "Timestamp" in header else None
assert (
ts_idx is not None
), "Timestamp field not found in file - required for CAN messages"
type_idx = header.index("Type") if "Type" in header else None
assert (
type is not None
), "Type field not found in file - required for CAN messages"
id_idx = header.index("ID") if "ID" in header else None
assert (
id_idx is not None
), "ID field not found in file - required for CAN messages"
data_idx = (
header.index("Data") if "Data" in header else None
) # Data is optional
# Read all messages
# -----------------
messages = []
zero = None
while line := file.readline():
message = line.split(configs["Value separator"])
# python-can handle timestamp in seconds
timestamp = process_timestamp(message[ts_idx], configs, zero)
if zero is None:
zero = timestamp
timestamp = 0
# Bytes are NOT left zero padded (always written using two characters) â fromhex expects it
id_hex = message[id_idx] = (
"0" + message[id_idx] if len(message[id_idx]) % 2 else message[id_idx]
arbritation_id = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(id_hex))
is_rx = True if int(message[type_idx]) in [0, 1] else False
is_extended_id = True if int(message[type_idx]) in [1, 9] else False
# Optional
data = bytes.fromhex(message[data_idx]) if data_idx is not None else None
message = can.Message(
# Return
# ------
return Stateful(messages)
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This example show you how to convert the log file of the CL2000 to a the ASAM measurement file format (MDF4) and interpret the data.