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Connecting to MMF101/MMF102 by Thorlabs in Python

Instrument Card

These Two-Position, High-Speed Flip Mounts flip lenses, filters, and other optical components into and out of a free-space beam. As shown by the image below, up to two optic mounts can be attached to the same flipper unit, allowing the user to alternate between optics. The flip action can be controlled in four ways: by the button on the top of the unit, via the included remote handset, via the external SMA connectors, or via a PC running the included software (see the Motion Control Software, Kinesis Tutorials, and APT Tutorials tabs for more information). The flipper position rotates 90° clockwise or counterclockwise when it is toggled and may be toggled either by an absolute signal level (i.e., low and high control voltages correspond to specific flipper positions) or by an edge (i.e., a change in the control voltage level causes the flipper to rotate). The unit has magnetic limit switches at both positions to identify which position the flipper is in.


Device Specification: here

Manufacturer card: THORLABS


Thorlabs, Inc. is an American privately held optical equipment company headquartered in Newton, New Jersey. The company was founded in 1989 by Alex Cable, who serves as its current president and CEO. As of 2018, Thorlabs has annual sales of approximately $500 million.

  • Headquarters: USA
  • Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 550
  • Vendor Website: here

Demo: Send commands to a Polulu stepper motor driver

Connect to the MMF101/MMF102 in Python

Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.