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Connecting to Rigol DP8xx-Series by Rigol in Python

Instrument Card

The DP800 Series Power Supplies combine the ability to source, analyze, and coordinate over time on a powerful platform. The DP800 Series is a family of linear power supplies systems with 1, 2, or 3 outputs and 140 to 200 Watts in total. With one channel isolated users can reconfigure instruments into any number of systems or applications. Built in V, A, and W measurements make power monitoring easy, but additional wave tracking, timing, and analysis features in the advanced “A” models means there are even more ways to use the instruments. Digital triggering between instruments also makes it possible to reliably combine and connect supplies together. Intuitive to use for everything from education labs to the R & D bench, the DP800 family of power supplies provide incredible value for any application. Select the value models for best price performance or upgrade to the “A” model to improve resolution and add advanced monitoring, triggering, and programming capabilities.

Rigol DP8xx-Series

Device Specification: here

Manufacturer card: RIGOL


RIGOL Technologies, Inc. specializes in development and production of test and measuring equipment and is one of the fastest growing Chinese companies in this sphere. RIGOL’s line of products includes digital storage oscilloscopesfunction/arbitrary waveform generatorsdigital multimeters, PC-based devices compatible with LXI standard etc.

  • Headquarters: Beijing, China
  • Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 23
  • Vendor Website: here

Demo: Measure a solar panel IV curve with a Keithley 2400

Connect to the Rigol DP8xx-Series in Python

Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.